Choosing a quality appliance with a high energy efficiency rating is a great way of reducing utility bills without compromising on quality.

We have a variety of Hoover products to choose from as well as many other Energy Efficient Appliances.

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Why Hoover?

Hoover have been innovating for over 100 years, an achievement which very few brands can boast of.

This century-long span of innovation and design has enabled Hoover to continuously provide exceptional products with cutting edge technology.

It’s for this reason that we believe Hoover is a great choice of brand when searching for an appliance.

Energy Savings

Energy efficiency is important to Hoover, and you can see that across the broad range of appliances.

To maintain their history of high energy efficiency rated products, Hoover have looked at every opportunity to make their products as efficient as possible. Whether that’s by introducing eco-friendly features, or ensuring all lighting within their appliances are LED.


Hoover want to ensure that their products last as long as possible, in an effort to help reduce the amount of appliances that go into landfill.

A full range of spare parts are available for Hoover products so that when a repair is needed, an entire new appliance isn’t required.

The Hoover range is also increasingly adding in mobile functionality, which is quickly becoming a demanded feature in appliances. By adding this functionality ahead of many other brands, Hoover are “future-proofing” their products.



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